Meet Lauren

Licensed Psychologist & Relationship Coach

Dr. Lauren Welter is a licensed psychologist, writer, and passionate advocate for post-traumatic growth. Lauren strives to grow through her own diverse (sometimes painful) experiences, and believes that you can do the same. From Wall Street investment banker to co-founder of a Guatemalan non-profit for female survivors of violence, from rural psychologist and farmwife to single working mother of four, Lauren has personally experienced sexual assault, PTSD and panic attacks, difficult relationships, divorce, and more. She combines these experiences with her professional training and deep compassion, helping to transform your trauma into purposeful, joyful living.

Coaching vs Psychotherapy

While there are some similarities between coaching and psychotherapy, they are very different activities. Psychotherapy is a health care service and is usually reimbursable through health insurance policies. This is not true for coaching. Both coaching and psychotherapy utilize knowledge of human behavior, motivation and behavioral change, and interactive counseling techniques.The major differences are in the goals, focus, and level of professional responsibility. 

Abusive relationships

Sexual Trauma

Addiction & The Family System

Divorce & high-conflict co-parenting

Transform Trauma into Purposeful, Joyful Living

Invest in yourself!

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